Thanks for visiting my website! I am super excited to launch this business and this blog.
In considering what I wanted my blog to be about, I thought about what I like to read and what type of content interests me. I enjoy reading stories and advice. I like anecdotes and learning from others. Business blogs are great, but I want my blog to share insights, stories and maybe make people laugh. I want my blog to represent me so that my clients and future clients have a sense for the person with whom they will be partnering. My experience speaks for itself. I have been writing professionally for 30 years and I have been working in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) for 15 years. I provide expertise in these areas, but who am I and what is my style?
As most people in my network know, I am honest, vocal and like to move quickly. This has been both a blessing and a curse. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to tone it down and, in a very big way, working in the DEI space has helped me to evolve. I have also had the honor to have had excellent role models, mentors and coaches along my journey. More recently, I have found my role models to be those people who I mentor. I have learned so much from our next generation. What I have realized by working in this space and having the ability to speak to and learn from so many people is that I listen more and I am more empathetic. This helps me to be a stronger writer and communicator.
This year has been a tremendous year for me. It has been a year of hardship and of enlightenment. This year, I have been blessed with the opportunity to reflect on my experiences and the time to take a breath and think about my “third act.” It has given me the time to decide what I want my third act to be, which will marry my two areas of expertise, while also helping other DEI professionals by serving as a trusted partner.
Every DEI professional you will meet will undeniably tell you that these past several years have been difficult and that this work is becoming increasingly more complex. It’s both exhilarating and exhausting. We are often the faces of hope and are seen as motivators. We are sought out to help with complicated, complex issues that often impact lives. We work with all levels of our organizations and our time is pulled in a multitude of directions. I want to be able to help others in this space to focus on their important work by being a trusted partner to them to share the voice of their DEI messaging. This will be my business.
My blog? Instead of writing my thoughts on DEI, I hope to use this forum to give back like my mentors and champions did for me all these years, by sharing tips, advice and some stories. I hope this approach will enable me to both attract new partners and stay connected to old friends and colleagues.
Thanks for checking out my website and my first blog. I look forward to writing more and wish you a prosperous and peaceful 2024.